How Much Self-Levelling Compound do you Need?
The amount of self-levelling compound you need very much depends on how thick you intend to pour it. Normally self-levelling compound is poured as a thin 5mm layer to smooth the floor ready for the finished floor covering.
You can pour most self-levelling compounds up to around 12mm if you have a very uneven subfloor. The main idea of self-levelling compounds is not to get the floor perfectly level, but more to get rid of any unevenness, ready for a finished floor covering.
Self-levelling Compound Bag Size
Self-Levelling compound normally comes in either a 20kg or 25kg bag. This is standard across all the major manufacturers.

Self-levelling compound that is mixed with a tub of latex, normally comes in a 20kg bag and covers 3m² on average, poured at a thickness of 5mm. (Picture on the Left)
Self-levelling compound that is mixed with water, normally comes in a slightly larger 25kg bag. The coverage can vary depending on how much water you add, but it is usually around the same at 3m². (Picture on the Right)
Calculating the Area of the Room (m²)
I have assumed that you will be pouring your self-levelling compound at a thickness of 5mm. (If you are making a deeper pour you can just double it to 10mm)
Firstly you will need to calculate the floor area of your room. Measure the length of your room and measure the width of your room, and multiply them together.

Length (m) x Width (m) = Area (m²)
If you take your measurements in meters (m) it will make it easier, as the manufacturers normally give the coverage in meters squared (m²)
Number of Self-levelling Compound Bags Required
Arditex NA self-levelling compound comes in an industry-standard 20kg bag and will cover 3m² at a thickness of 5mm. All you need to do is calculate the Area of your room and the thickness required.
Area of Room (m²) = Length (4m) x Width (4m)
Bags required = Area of Room 24m² (m²) / coverage 3m² @ (5mm thick)
4m x4m =24m² 24m²/3m² = 8 bags (2 bags spare)
For a room 4m x 4m you will need exactly 8 bags, I would get 10 bags just in case you pour the self-levelling compound slightly thicker than expected. There is nothing worse than running out mid-pour and having a ridge in your floor.
If you need to increase the thickness of the self-levelling the coverage decreases in direct proportion. Using this example, If you are pouring your self-levelling compound at 10mm thick, you will require double the amount of bags.
Just Remember: You are only working to the number of bags at the end of the day. You will never quite know how many you will use until you start pouring it. It’s sort of the best guess scenario. Don’t be exact to one bag, get a couple of extra bags and hope for the best! Especially if it is your first time self-levelling