How To Cut a Circle Hole in Tile

When decorating your bathroom you may find that you need to cut a large circular hole in your tile. but how exactly do you go about this? After all, cutting into tiles is not the simplest job in the world. Well, I have a couple of different methods here that you could try out and find what works best for you.

Tile Drill Bit

This is definitely the easiest way of making a nice circular hole in tile, simply slide one of these bad boys into your cordless drill and get to work.

They come in a range of sizes but do max out quite early on, you won’t be making massive holes with these bits which is why I have other methods below.

This one below is from Screwfix and is one of the largest tile drill bits I could find at 44mm. If you need a hole drilling that big or below then get one of these bits, you really won’t regret it.

Tile Hole Saw
Tile Hole Saw

Hand Tile Saw

Onto method two, and with this you can make a hole of indefinite size, but it won’t be easy, and it definitely won’t be fast.

We will drill a small hole in a tile and then cut out the rest of the circle with a hand tile saw. I have some step by step photos for you below.

Drill a small hole into your tile
Drill a small hole into your tile

Start by drilling a small hole into the tile on the edge of the circle you want to cut.

Get your tile saw and detach the blade
Get your tile saw and detach the blade

Now get your tile saw and detach the blade from it. With the saw I have you do this by pressing strongly against the handle which releases the tension on the blade, allowing it to pop off its hooks.

Place the detached blade through the hole
Place the detached blade through the hole

Now you simply slide the blade through the hole and reattach it to the saw once it is through.

You can now cut the hole with your tile saw
You can now cut the hole with your tile saw

You can now continue to cut out your circle using the hand tile saw.

Angle Grinder

This is the F*ck it, I’ve had a long day and this tile is getting cut option. Use a ceramic cutting blade in your angle grinder and get to work.

This will not be neat, but it will be quick and painless. Useful for making holes that will never be seen, behind a mirror for example.

Angle grinder with a tile cutting blade
Angle grinder with a tile cutting blade

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