Cost to Self-level a floor
The cost to self-level a floor can vary wildly from scenario to scenario. The best thing I can do is give you a classic example and you can use it as a reference for your own project.
To give you an idea – It will cost around £600 pounds in the UK to pay a professional to self-level a 3m x2m bathroom floor – including materials and labour. This will increase the further south you go or the closer you get to a metropolis.
If you want to self-level a floor yourself, you can do it for under £200, Read below if you want to know how.
How much to Self-Level a Floor Yourself

You can easily self-level a floor at very little cost. See my workings below, and just alter the calculations for your floor area and coverage.
A basic bathroom in the UK is 3m x 2m. Giving you a 6m² floor area.
The coverage for most self-levelling compounds is 3m² at a thickness of 5mm.
Double it to 10mm if you need to do a deeper pour. How deep can you pour Self-Levelling compound?
6m² Divided by 3m² = 2, Always get one bag spare so 3 Bags in total!
The average cost of self-levelling compound is between £20 to £35 per BAG
It will cost you between £60-£100 in self-levelling compound for a small bathroom, poured at 5mm thickness.
You will need some tools for the job, if you have a cordless drill, all you will need is a whisk (for your drill), some buckets, a trowel and a spiked roller. This will be £60 in total for all your tools. Click here for our full tool list 6 Essential Self-Levelling Compound Tools
So your total cost for your materials and equipment will be £100-£150. It should take you about 2 hours to self-level a small bathroom. If you are using a self-levelling compound that can be poured directly onto the sub-floor.
Arditex NA self-levelling compound is perfect for this as it can be applied to any substrate with no primer/sealer necessary. The latex helps it spread around the room better than the self-levelling compound you mix with water. So it is perfect for beginners, working on small areas.
How to choose the right self-levelling compound (coming soon)
How to self-level a floor (coming soon)