Tiled Floor
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How Thick Can I Lay Floor Tile Adhesive?

So you’re just about to do some floor tiling and are wondering how thick you can lay the adhesive. Well worry no longer, I have done the research for you!

How Thick Can I Lay Floor Tile Adhesive?

This will depend on the adhesive you use. A usual guide would be no more than 5mm thick. But there are adhesives that absolutely smash this rule, Pro Rapid for example can be used up to 12mm thick.

The best advice I would give would be to check with the manufacturer, you can find the technical data easily online. This always states the thickness that the adhesive can be laid.

My Recommendation For Thick Set Floor Adhesive

ProRapid RS is a rapid set, polymer-modified, premium grade cementitious tile adhesive, ideal for natural stone, porcelain and ceramic tiles where exceptional bond and rapid set are essential. It is suitable for both wet and dry conditions and is formulated to adhere to most common substrates including screwed and fixed over-boarded wooden floors.

It can be laid anywhere from 1-12mm thick.

Can Be Laid Up To 12mm Thick!
UltraTileFix ProRapid - 20kg Bag Grey

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Thick Lay Floor Adhesive

There are even specialist thick set floor adhesives available. These are designed for really thick use, some can even go up to 25mm thick!

Rapid Set V Regular

If you are planning on laying a floor tile adhesive thick then you need to use a rapid set adhesive. if you use a regular adhesive then there is a really good chance the tiles will slip and sink as the adhesive dries. It will work its way up through the grout lines as it dries, purely due to the weight of the tile on top of a lot of adhesive.

Rapid set adhesives on the other hand will be set before this even has a chance to happen.

Floor Adhesive V Wall Adhesive

As a good rule of thumb, you can normally lay floor adhesives thicker than wall adhesives. Wall adhesives obviously can’t be laid very thick or they would slip off the walls, so they are not designed to be laid thick.

Why Lay It Thick

Laying the floor adhesive thick can be a great way to cover up imperfections in your subfloor. It can work as a levelling layer, allowing you to get your tiles dead flat, even on a non-flat subfloor.

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