how to change a hacksaw blade
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How to change a hacksaw blade

Hacksaw blades can need changing quite often depending on what you cut, but how do you change a hacksaw blade. We have created a video and photo guide below to help you out!

How to change an Irwin hacksaw blade

The Irwin jigsaw has a screw mechanism under the handle. Turn anti-clockwise to loosen.

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This removes all the tension on the blade. The blade will then slide out.

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Slide both ends of the blade out from the frame.

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Now it is time to attach your new blade. Slide the top end into the angled housing. The end furthest away from the handle.

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Then slide the other end in (handle side). Now tighten using the hand screw. This will add more and more tension to the blade and lock it into place.

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That’s it your done. Changing the blade on these Irwin hacksaws is really easy, that’s one of the reasons they feature in our best hacksaw guide!

Now onto an older design of hacksaw, this larger saw features a wing nut and circular holes on the blade.

Wing nut Jigsaw 1

To begin loosen the wing nut to remove the tension from the blade.

Wing nut Jigsaw 2

then the blade pops off over the circle fastenings on the blade

Now it is time to reattach your new blade. Place it over the circle fastenings to begin.

Then tighten up the wing nut to add tension to the blade and lock it in place. Job done!

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